Sunday, December 19, 2010


Did anyone know or for that matter care that two hours north east of Memphis, just off I-40, is the US of A’s largest pearl farm? Well it is!

We got up at the crack of dawn on an overcast day to join a school group for a special tour. We were randomly lumped together with a group of fourth graders from a Christian school near Nashville. Now most of you who know may say “I thought your carpool mom days were over” but I must admit that these kids were amazingly well behaved They made Jewish kids seem like a wild pack of inner-city hooligans.

The Pearl Museum is located in a huge prefab building. A collection of disfigured pearls and cheap jewelry was the main attraction. The décor also included stuffed animals, marine paraphernalia, hunting equipment, and a massive picture of the proprietor’s high school class. My favorite animal was a raccoon wearing a coon skin hat. In the education room, the owner of the Pearl Farm spoke about pearls and their cultivation. He really tailored the talk to the group, peppering his explanation with lots of God references… This was no canned experience like Disney, it was genuine.

Next off we headed to the Tennessee River, where we saw rows of oysters in the water. On the dock the owner “sacrificed an oyster for our educational benefit”. The teachers chimed in a with a quick bible lesson. They never do that at the Academy. As I mentioned, these kids were well behaved and no one ended up in the water.

Recommendation: Absolutely on a warm sunny day- be sure to hook up with a group to get the full experience.

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