Sunday, December 19, 2010


You may be wondering, besides all of those great casinos in Tunica what else is there to see…Well, I’ll tell you.

River Park Museum: On the Mississippi River there is surprisingly a wonderful museum dedicated to the Mississippi River. This museum is well organized and put together, really telling the story of the Mississippi. One of the best parts of the museum was decent sized aquarium tanks with native fish swimming around. There were many beautiful and interesting Native American Indian artifacts, most of them courtesy of the Pink Palace Museum. It makes one wonder what such a nice museum dedicated to the Mississippi River is doing in Tunica and not Memphis. I mean really, people go to Tunica to gamble away their social security and welfare checks, not see exhibits on Native Americans. Riverboat and air boat tours are offered in season. The grounds also contain extensive trails. All in all this was a great place to visit.

Tunica Museum: Much to our surprise there is another museum in Tunica, this one called the Tunica Museum and because it is free, we had to visit it. I really was not expecting much, I mean, c’mon, this is Tunica! It was not half bad. Lots of history and industry stuff put together in a professional manner. This place may be just a step down or two from the Pink Palace in Memphis.

Casino: What trip to Tunica would be complete without a casino visit? Any one will do as they all seem interchangeable. We visited on a weekly senior citizen day. Gray heads were there in droves. Hundreds of hungry seniors were standing in line for the buffet lunch. As we approached the steps to the gaming floor, we were almost knocked over by a senior with a walker. When the cautious security guard informed him that a handicap ramp was just to his left, he exclaimed, “I’m just so excited to be here!” Whilst on the gambling floor, we counted three walkers and two folks with oxygen. It was interesting to see grannies in their pro step walking shoes and tightly set hair gambling away their social security checks.

Recommendation: A must see, even better on a sunny day.

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